14 research outputs found

    Optimization Approach for Inverse Kinematic Solution

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    Inverse kinematics of serial or parallel manipulators can be computed from given Cartesian position and orientation of end effector and reverse of this would yield forward kinematics. Which is nothing but finding out end effector coordinates and angles from given joint angles. Forward kinematics of serial manipulators gives exact solution while inverse kinematics yields number of solutions. The complexity of inverse kinematic solution arises with the increment of degrees of freedom. Therefore it would be desired to adopt optimization techniques. Although the optimization techniques gives number of solution for inverse kinematics problem but it converses the best solution for the minimum function value. The selection of suitable optimization method will provides the global optimization solution, therefore, in this paper proposes quaternion derivation for 5R manipulator inverse kinematic solution which is later compared with teachers learner based optimization (TLBO) and genetic algorithm (GA) for the optimum convergence rate of inverse kinematic solution. An investigation has been made on the accuracies of adopted techniques and total computational time for inverse kinematic evaluations. It is found that TLBO is performing better as compared GA on the basis of fitness function and quaternion algebra gives better computational cost

    Bacterial and Viral Etiology of Acute Respiratory Illness among Children from two Different Geographical Localities of Odisha, 2015-2016

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    The aim of this study was to determine the causative agent of acute respiratory infections (ARIs) in hospitalized children, as well as investigate the characteristics of ARIs with single and multiple pathogens detection from July 2015 to June 2016. The objective of the present study was to examine the role of viruses, bacteria and mix infection of both in hospitalized children with ARI and their correlation with two divergent geographical settings of Odisha. Hospitalized children with ARI aged 1bacteria, 40(15%) with > 1virus, 22(8.2%) with > 2 bacteria and 20(7-4%) with both bacteria and virus. Most frequently detected pathogens were Klebsiella pneumonae, Setrptococcus pneumonae, Parainfluenza A and Influenza A virus. Incidences of pathogens were detected more among children <1 year, Gender discrimination in the form of dietary neglect of the female children has also been noted mostly in case of tribal patients. Social demographic factors associated with high detection of respiratory pathogens could be responsible for high incidence of respiratory pathogens mostly in tribal population. Till date perhaps no study has been under taken to document the epidemiology of ARI in the state that will facilitate to implement control and prevention measures

    Experimental investigation of various machining attributes and cost estimation during machining of hardened AISI 4340 steel with untreated and cryo treated cermet inserts

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    Now-a-days due to growing demand of high precision components to attain high performances, hardened steels with hardness above 45HRC have numerous applications in automotive gear, machine tool and die industry because of their superior characteristics (high thermal stability, high indentation resistance, high abrasiveness, low ductility and high value of hardness to modulus of elasticity ratio). For this, higher tool life of cutting inserts cryogenic treatment is considered as the most prominent method but no substantial researches have been found concerning the impact of cryogenic treatment on cermet inserts, especially in turning of hardened steels. Therefore, in the present experimental investigation, the comparative assessment of various responses such as cutting force, flank wear, crater wear, chip morphology and surface roughness were carried out during machining of hardened steel with both untreated and cryo-treated cermet inserts under dry cutting condition. Lastly, the input variables were optimized using Response Surface Methodology (RSM) to evaluate the tool life for the economic analysis. The experimental result demonstrated that the uncoated deep cryo-treated with tempered cermet insert delivered better results in comparison to other cermet inserts. According to cost analysis, uncoated and deep cryo-treated with tempered cermet insert was found to be the most cost saving among other cermet inserts at the optimum cutting condition

    Machinability investigation and cost estimation during finish dry hard turning of AISI 4340 steel with untreated and cryo treated cermet inserts

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    For higher tool life of cutting inserts cryogenic treatment is considered as the most prominent method but no substantial researches have been found concerning the impact of cryogenic treatment on cermet inserts especially in hard turning. Therefore, in the present experimental investigation, the comparative assessment of various responses such as cutting force, flank wear, crater wear, chip morphology and surface roughness were carried out during machining of hardened steel with both untreated and cryo treated cermet ins hard turning erts under dry cutting condition. Lastly, the input variables were optimized using Response surface methodology (RSM) to evaluate the tool life for the economic analysis. The experimental result demonstrated that the uncoated deep cryo treated with tempered cermet insert delivered better results in comparison to other cermet inserts. According to cost analysis, uncoated and deep cryo treated with tempered cermet insert was found to be the most economical among other cermet inserts at the optimum cutting condition.Для збільшення тривалості роботи ріжучих пластин кріогенна обробка є найвідомішим методом, але ґрунтовних досліджень щодо впливу кріогенної обробки на металокерамічні вставки не виявлено, особливо при точінні твердих сплавів. Тому в даному експериментальному дослідженні порівняльну оцінку різних характеристик, таких як сила різання, знос по задній поверхні, знос у вигляді кратерів, морфологія стружки і шорсткість поверхні, проведено при механічній обробці загартованої сталі як з необробленими, так і з кріообробленими металокерамічними вставками в умовах сухого різання. Нарешті, вхідні змінні параметри було оптимізовано з використанням методології реакції поверхні, щоб оцінити тривалість роботи інструменту для економічного обґрунтування. Експериментальний результат показав, що глибока кріообробка без покриття загартованої металокерамічної вставки дає кращі результати порівняно з іншими металокерамічними вставками. Відповідно до аналізу витрат, виявлено, що загартована металокерамічна вставка без покриття та з глибокою кріообробкою є найбільш економічною серед інших металокерамічних вставок за оптимального режиму різання.Для увеличения срока службы режущих пластин криогенная обработка считается наиболее известным методом, но фундаментальных исследований, касающихся воздействия криогенной обработки на металлокерамические вставки не было найдено, особенно при точении твердых сплавов. Поэтому в настоящем экспериментальном исследовании сравнительная оценка различных характеристик, таких как сила резания, износ по задней поверхности, износ в виде кратеров, морфология стружки и шероховатость поверхности, была проведена при обработке закаленной стали с необработанной и криообработанной металлокерамической вставкой в условиях сухой резки. Наконец, входные переменные были оптимизированы с использованием методологии реакции поверхности, чтобы оценить срок службы инструмента для экономического анализа. Результаты эксперимента показали, что глубокая криообработка без покрытия обработанной закаленной вставки из кермета дает лучшие результаты по сравнению с другими вставками из кермета. Согласно анализу затрат, было обнаружено, что закаленная вставка из кермета без покрытия с глубокой криообработкой является наиболее экономичной среди других вставок из кермета при оптимальных условиях резания

    Computer Aided Assembly Attributes Retrieval Methods for Automated Assembly Sequence Generation

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    Achieving an appropriate assembly sequence needs deep verification for its physical feasibility. For this purpose, industrial engineers use several assembly predicates; namely, liaison, geometric feasibility, stability and mechanical feasibility. However, testing an assembly sequence for these predicates requires huge assembly information. Extracting such assembly information from an assembled product is a time consuming and highly skillful task with complex reasoning methods. In this paper, computer aided methods are proposed to extract all the necessary assembly information from computer aided design (CAD) environment in order to perform the assembly sequence planning efficiently. These methods use preliminary capabilities of three-dimensional solid modelling and assembly modelling methods used in CAD software considering equilibrium laws of physical bodies

    Hybridized genetic-immune based strategy to obtain optimal feasible assembly sequences

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    An appropriate sequence of assembly operations increases the productivity and enhances product quality there by decrease the overall cost and manufacturing lead time. Achieving such assembly sequence is a complex combinatorial optimization problem with huge search space and multiple assembly qualifying criteria. The purpose of the current research work is to develop an intelligent strategy to obtain an optimal assembly sequence subjected to the assembly predicates. This paper presents a novel hybrid artificial intelligent technique, which executes Artificial Immune System (AIS) in combination with the Genetic Algorithm (GA) to find out an optimal feasible assembly sequence from the possible assembly sequence. Two immune models are introduced in the current research work: (1) Bone marrow model for generating possible assembly sequence and reduce the system redundancy and (2) Negative selection model for obtaining feasible assembly sequence. Later, these two models are integrated with GA in order to obtain an optimal assembly sequence. The proposed AIS-GA algorithm aims at enhancing the performance of AIS by incorporating GA as a local search strategy to achieve global optimum solution for assemblies with large number of parts. The proposed algorithm is implemented on a mechanical assembly composed of eleven parts joined by several connectors. The method is found to be successful in achieving global optimum solution with less computational time compared to traditional artificial intelligent techniques